Vocational School of Besni Ali Erdemoglu

About Us


Besni Vocational School was established with the 7 / d 2 article of the law dated 15.12.1997 and numbered 2547, amended by the law number 2880, under Gaziantep University and it was affiliated to Adıyaman University with the law number 5467 dated March 1, 2006 and the law that entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette dated 17 March 2006 and numbered 26111.

About us

In our district, there is one Vocational School under the name of Besni Vocational School affiliated to Adıyaman University. Our school continues its education in the building temporarily allocated by the District National Education Directorate.

Besni Vocational School consists of 7 departments as Computer Use, Computer Technologies, Office Services and Secretariat, Electronics and Automation, Finance-Banking and Insurance, Accounting and Tax and Management and Organization, and continues its activities as 8 programs.

In today's intense competition conditions, in a knowledge-based industrial structure; Our school is an educational institution that provides education and training to meet this need, in line with the need for intermediate staff who use information and communication technologies effectively, who have trained themselves in their field and follow technological developments.